Friday, December 11, 2015

Nifty intraday : 11-12-2015

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Intraday #AstroTimes for Nifty on 10-06-2015

°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°|| ॐ नमः शिवाय || °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
‪#‎IntraDay_Traders_Diary‬: (Intraday Astro Times for Nifty )
||10-06-2015|| (09:15AM)

|| ‪#‎Samvatsara:.Manmatha ruled by Saturn||
|| ‪#‎Masa‬ :..........Jyeshta ruled by Mars||
|| ‪#‎Vara‬ :...........Budha Varam ruled by Mercury||
|| ‪#‎Hora‬ :...........Shani ruled by Satrun||
|| ‪#‎Tithi‬ :............Krishna Navami ruled by Sun||
|| ‪#‎Rasi‬ :............Meena ruled by Jupiter||
|| ‪#‎Nakshatra‬ :.. Purvabhadra ruled by Jupiter till 12:19
                          then Uttarabhadra ruled by Saturn||
|| ‪#‎Yoga‬ :...........Preeti ruled by Mercury till 09:37
                          then Aayushman ruled by Ketu ||
|| ‪#‎Lagna‬ :........ Karkatakam ruled by Moon ||

‪#‎IntradayAstroTimes‬ :
‪#‎Tolerance‬: (+/- 5 mins)

‪#‎RulingPlanets‬ :

‪#‎SpecialGrahaYogas‬ :
•• Hamsa Yoga.
•• Budha vakribhavanam.
•• Mars combustion.

‪#‎Notes‬ :
••Best applicable to 5 min time frame of Nifty.
••Total Number of stars behind any AstroTime indicates its importance.

••Observations suggest that direction of Nifty between two adjacent
AstroTimes is unique.
•• that Direction can be either up or down or sideways, but there is clear direction between two adjacent AstroTimes.
•• at any AstroTime two things can happen, either 1) breakout or breakdown from a narrow range or 2) intraday trend reversal.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Nifty Intraday AstroTimes for 11-05-2015

IntraDay_Traders_Diary: (Intraday Astro Times for Nifty )
|| Soma Varam, Krishna Ashtami, Sravana Nakshatra till 10:46 then Dhanista Nakshatra||

#IntradayAstroTimes :
#Tolerance: (+/- 5 mins)

#WesternAspects : at 09:15 AM
••[Moon 90° Sun]* Approaching
••[Moon 180° Jupiter]* Separating
••[Moon 120° Mercury] Separating
••[Moon 60° Uranus]* Approaching

#RulingPlanets :

#SpecialGrahaYogas :
•• Gajakesari yoga.
•• Rasi parivartana yoga between Venus and Mercury.

#Notes :
••Best applicable to 5 min time frame of Nifty.
••Total Number of stars behind any AstroTime indicates its importance.

••Observations suggest that direction of Nifty between two adjacent AstroTimes is unique.
•• that Direction can be either up or down or sideways, but there is clear direction between two adjacent AstroTimes.
•• at any AstroTime two things can happen, either 1) breakout or breakdown from a narrow range or 2) intraday trend reversal.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Nifty Intraday AstroTimes for 06-05-2015

Day_Traders_Diary: (Intraday Astro Times for Nifty )
|| Budha Varam, Krishna Dwitiya, Anuradha Nakshatra till 12:30 then Jyesta Nakshatra||

#IntradayAstroTimes :
#Tolerance: (+/- 5 mins)

#WesternAspects : at 09:15 AM
••[Moon 180° Mercury]* Separating
••[Moon 120° Jupiter] Separating
••[Moon 120° Ketu]** Exact
••[Moon 60° Rahu]** Exact

#RulingPlanets :

#SpecialGrahaYogas :
•• Chandra Mangala Yoga. ( Separating)
•• Rasi parivartana yoga between Venus and Mercury.

#Notes :
••Best applicable to 5 min time frame of Nifty.
••Total Number of stars behind any AstroTime indicates its importance.

••Observations suggest that direction of Nifty between two adjacent AstroTimes is unique. Direction can be up or down or sideways, but there is clear direction between two adjacent AstroTimes mentioned above.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Nifty Intraday AstroTimes for 05-05-2015

Day_Traders_Diary: (Intraday Astro Times for Nifty )
||05-05-2015|| (‪#‎AstroDate‬)
||Mangala Varam, Krishna Pratipada, Vishaka (4) Nakshatra till 11:39AM then Anuradha Nakshatra||
‪#‎IntradayAstroTimes‬ :
‪#‎Tolerance‬: (+/- 5 mins)
‪#‎WesternAspects‬ : at 09:15 AM
••[Moon 180° Mars]** Exact Separating
••[Moon 210° Venus]** Exact
••[Moon 0° Saturn] Approaching
‪#‎RulingPlanets‬ :
‪#‎SpecialGrahaYogas‬ :
•• Chandra Mangala Yoga.
•• Rasi parivartana yoga between Venus and Mercury.
‪#‎Notes‬ :
••Best applicable to 5 min time frame of Nifty.
••Total Number of stars behind any AstroTime indicates its importance.
••Observations suggest that direction of Nifty between two adjacent AstroTimes is unique. Direction can be up or down or sideways, but there is clear direction between two adjacent AstroTimes mentioned above.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Day_Traders_Diary: (Intraday Astro Times for Nifty )
||04-05-2015|| (#AstroDate)

||Soma Varam, Krishna Pratipada, Swati(4) Nakshatra till 10:21AM then Vishaka Nakshatra||

#IntradayAstroTimes :
#Tolerance: (+/- 5 mins)

#WesternAspects : at 09:15 AM
••[Moon 180° Sun]** Exact
••[Moon 90° Jupiter]** Exact
••[Moon 60° Pluto] Approaching

#RulingPlanets :

#SpecialGrahaYogas :
•• Mars entered Taurus.
•• Venus entered Gemini.
•• Gajakesari yoga.
•• Rasi parivartana yoga between Venus and Mercury.
•• Nakshatra parivartana yoga between Rahu and Moon**.

#Notes :
••Best applicable to 5 min time frame of Nifty.
••Total Number of stars behind any AstroTime indicates its importance.

••Observations suggest that direction of Nifty between two adjacent AstroTimes is unique. Direction can be up or down or sideways, but there is clear direction between two adjacent AstroTimes mentioned above.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Nifty Intraday AstroTimes for 30-04-2015

Day_Traders_Diary: (Intraday Astro Times for Nifty )

||Guru Varam, Shukla Dwadasi, Uttara Nakshatra||

#IntradayAstroTimes :
#Tolerance: (+/- 5 mins)

#WesternAspects : at 09:15 AM
••[Moon 120° Mars] separating
••[Moon 120° Mercury] approaching

#RulingPlanets :
Sun***-Mercury*- Jupiter

#SpecialGrahaYogas :
•• Two planets in exaltation state(Sun and Jupiter) while two other planets in own signs(Venus and Mars)

#Notes :
••Best applicable to 5 min time frame of Nifty.
••Total Number of stars behind any AstroTime indicates its importance.

••Observations suggest that direction of Nifty between two adjacent AstroTimes is unique. Direction can be up or down or sideways, but there is clear direction between two adjacent AstroTimes mentioned above.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Nifty Intraday AstroTimes for 29-04-2015

Day_Traders_Diary: (Intraday Astro Times for Nifty )
||29-04-2015|| (AstroDate**)
||Budha Varam, Shukla Ekadasi, Pubba Nakshatra||
‪#‎IntradayAstroTimes‬ :
‪#‎Tolerance‬: (+/- 5 mins)
‪#‎WesternAspects‬ : at 09:15 AM
••[Moon 120° Sun] separating
••[Moon 30° Jupiter]** Exact
••[Moon 120° Pluto]* approaching
••[Moon 180° Neptune] separating
‪#‎RulingPlanets‬ :
‪#‎SpecialGrahaYogas‬ :
•• Two planets in exaltation state(Sun and Jupiter) while two other planets in own signs(Venus and Mars)
‪#‎Notes‬ :
••Best applicable to 5 min time frame of Nifty.
••Total Number of stars behind any AstroTime indicates its importance.
••Observations suggest that direction of Nifty between two adjacent AstroTimes is unique. Direction can be up or down or sideways, but there is clear direction between two adjacent AstroTimes mentioned above.

End Result of performance of #AstroTimes on 28-04-2015:

Monday, April 27, 2015

Nifty Intraday AstroTimes for 28-04-2015

Day_Traders_Diary: (Intraday Astro Times for Nifty )

||Mangala Vara, Shukla Dasami, Makha Nakshatra||

#IntradayAstroTimes :
#Tolerance: (+/- 5 mins)

#WesternAspects : at 09:15 AM
••[Moon 90° Saturn]** approaching
••[Moon 90° Sun]* approaching
••[Sun 150° Rahu]* approaching
••[Venus 60° Uranus] separating
••[Jupiter 150° Pluto]** approaching
••[Uranus 90° Pluto] separating

#RulingPlanets :

#SpecialGrahaYogas :
•• Nakshatra Parivartana Yoga between Venus and Mars**.
•• Two planets in exaltation state(Sun and Jupiter) while two other planets in own signs(Venus and Mars)

#Notes :
••Best applicable to 5 min time frame of Nifty.
••Total Number of stars behind any AstroTime indicates its importance.

••Observations suggest that direction of Nifty between two adjacent AstroTimes is unique. Direction can be up or down or sideways, but there is clear direction between two adjacent AstroTimes mentioned above.
••So we observe Visual Price Action near running AstroTime by considering two candles before and two candles after that running AstroTime to find out the direction in 5 min time frame of Nifty Chart; we observe total five candles; if you find any direction within these five candles then that direction should continue till next AstroTime. If you are unable to find any clear direction then leave it, Nifty might be in volatile, or in consolidation phase or in narrow range.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Nifty Intraday AstroTimes for 27-04-2015

Day_Traders_Diary: (Intraday Astro Times for Nifty )
||27-04-2015|| (AstroDate**)

||Soma Vara, Shukla Navami, Ashlesha Nakshatra||

#IntradayAstroTimes :
#Tolerance: (+/- 5 mins)

#WesternAspects : at 09:15 AM
••[Moon 0° Jupiter]** separating
••[Moon 90° Mars]*** exact
••[Moon 60° Venus]* separating
••[Moon 120° Uranus]** separating
••[Venus 60° Uranus]*** exact
••[Mars 120° Pluto] separating
••[Jupiter 150° Pluto]** approaching
••[Uranus 90° Pluto] separating

#RulingPlanets :

#SpecialGrahaYogas :
•• Gajakesari yoga.
•• Nakshatra Parivartana Yoga between Venus and Mars**.
•• Two planets in exaltation state(Sun and Jupiter) while three other planets in own signs(Moon,Venus and Mars)

#Notes :
••Best applicable to 5 min time frame of Nifty.
••Total Number of stars behind any AstroTime indicates its importance.

••Observations suggest that direction of Nifty between two adjacent AstroTimes is unique. Direction can be up or down or sideways, but there is clear direction between two adjacent AstroTimes mentioned above.
••So we observe Visual Price Action near running AstroTime by considering two candles before and two candles after that running AstroTime to find out the direction in 5 min time frame of Nifty Chart; we observe total five candles; if you find any direction within these five candles then that direction should continue till next AstroTime. If you are unable to find any clear direction then leave it, Nifty might be in volatile, or in consolidation phase or in narrow range.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Nifty Intraday Astro Times for 24-04-2015

Day_Traders_Diary: (Intraday Astro Times for Nifty )

||Shukra Vara, Shukla Shasti, Aridra(4) Nakshatra till 11:54, then Punarvasu Nakshatra||

‪#‎IntradayAstroTimes‬ :
‪#‎Tolerance‬: (+/- 5 mins)

‪#‎WesternAspects‬ : at 09:15 AM
••[Moon 90° Rahu]** separating
••[Moon 30° Jupiter]** approaching
••[Mercury 0° Mars] separating
••[Mars 120° Pluto] separating

‪#‎RulingPlanets‬ :

‪#‎SpecialGrahaYogas‬ :
•• Nakshatra Parivartana Yoga between Moon and Rahu**.
•• Two planets in exaltation state(Sun and Jupiter) while two other planets in own signs(Venus and Mars)

‪#‎Notes‬ :
••Best applicable to 5 min time frame of Nifty.
••Total Number of stars behind any AstroTime indicates its importance.

••Observations suggest that direction of Nifty between two adjacent AstroTimes is unique. Direction can up or down or sideways, but there is clear direction between two adjacent AstroTimes mentioned above.
••So we observe Visual Price Action near running ‎AstroTime‬ by considering two candles before and two candles after that running AstroTime to find out the direction in 5 min time frame of Nifty Chart; we observe total five candles; if you find any direction within these five candles then that direction should continue till next AstroTime. If you are unable to find any clear direction then leave it, Nifty might be in volatile, or in consolidation phase or in narrow range.

Nifty intraday trading views for 23-04-2015

||Guruvara, Shukla Panchami, Mrigasira(4) Nakshatra till 11:05, then Aridra  Nakshatra||

‪#‎IntradayAstroTimes‬ :
‪#‎Tolerance‬: (+/- 5 mins)

‪#‎WesternAspects‬ : at 09:15 AM
••[Moon 60° Sun]** approachin
••[Mercury 0° Mars]** separating
••[Mars 120° Pluto] separating

‪#‎RulingPlanets‬ :

‪#‎SpecialGrahaYogas‬ :
•• Two planets in exaltation state(Sun and Jupiter) while two other planets in own signs(Venus and Mars)

‪#‎Notes‬ :
••Best applicable to 5 min time frame.
••Total Number of stars behind AstroTime indicates its importance.
••Observations suggest that direction of Nifty between two adjacent AstroTimes is unique.
••So we observe Visual Price Action near running ‪#‎AstroTime‬ by considering two candles before and two candles(5 min) after this time to find out the direction; total five candles; if you find any direction within these five candles then that direction should continue till next #AstroTime. If you are unable to find any clear direction then leave it, may be in volatile, or in consolidation phase.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Nifty intraday trading views for 22-04-2015

||Budhavara, Shukla Chaturthi, Rohini(4) Nakshatra till 11:04, then Mrigasira Nakshatra||

#IntradayAstroTimes :
#Tolerance: (+/- 5 mins)

#WesternAspects : at 09:15 AM
••[Moon 0° Venus]** separating
••[Mercury 0° Mars]** approaching
••[Mars 120° Pluto] separating

#RulingPlanets :

#SpecialGrahaYogas :
•• Three planets in exaltation state(Moon, Sun and Jupiter) while two other planets in own signs(Venus and Mars)

#Notes :
••Best applicable to 5 min time frame.
••Total Number of stars behind AstroTime indicates its importance.

••Observations suggest that direction of Nifty between two adjacent AstroTimes is unique.
••So we observe Visual Price Action near running #AstroTime by considering two candles before and two candles(5 min) after this time to find out the direction; total five candles; if you find any direction within these five candles then that direction should continue till next #AstroTime. If you are unable to find any clear direction then leave it, may be in volatile, or in consolidation phase.


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