Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Intraday Prediction of NIFTY on 30-07-2013, Tuesday

Prediction for today: (30-07-2013, Tuesday )
"... good day for both bulls & bears..."
(09:15 to 09:34) : Consolidation with positive bias.
(09:34 to 13:30) : Higher levels will not sustain, bears will dominate.
(13:30 to 15:30) : Bulls will try to recover NIFTY.

Astrological Analysis :

Planetary Changes :


No Major changes.
Cuspal Analysis of (2-6-11) Financial Houses w.r.t to Ascendant(1st house) :
2nd CSL  : Sun* signifies (2-6-11), is in sub of Rahu(2-6-12), mostly favours bulls when 2 operates.
6th CSL   : Rahu is in own star(2-6-12), is in sub of Moon*(8), neutral but should favour bears.
11th CSL : Mercury* signifies (2-5-8-11-12), is in sub of Saturn(2-6), neutral but should favour bulls when 11 operates.
Cuspal Analysis of (5-8-12) Financial Houses w.r.t to Opposition (7th house):
5th CSL   : Mercury* signifies (2-5-8-11-12), is in sub of Saturn(2-6), neutral but should favour bulls when 5 operates.
8th CSL   : Moon* signifies(8-12), is in sub of Mars(6) should favour bears when 8th operates.
12th CSL : Rahu is in own star(2-6-12), is in sub of Moon*(8), neutral but should favour bears when 12 operates.
Over all, it seems that when 2-5-11 will operate bulls will dominate, and when 6-8-12 operates bears will dominate, equal strength today.
Ruling Planets Strength :
Moon is in Mesha Rasi, Bharani Nakshatra, today is Tuesday, so Ruling Planets are Mars & Venus.
Mars* signifies (2-6-12) through its star lord Rahu, is in sub of Venus(12) and is in sub-sub of Mercury*(2-8-11-12), neutral but should favour bears.
Venus is in own star(5-12), is in own sub(12) and is in sub-sub of Mercury*(2-8-11-12), should favours bears.
Ruling planets supports Bears.
Intraday Transit Analysis of Moon & Ascendant :

As shown in above image, Moon will transit star of Venus throughout session, and as explained above Venus will support bears, unless supported by Moon's sub lords Mar/Rahu/Jupiter.
Venus - Mars (09:15 to 09:34) :
 Mars as explained above is predominant Ruling planet is neutral but should favour bears. However during this period Ascendant will transit Sun's sign of Leo, which is positive for bulls today, will balance the domination of bears. Nifty should consolidate with positive bias.
Venus - Rahu (09:34 to 13:30) :
Rahu is CSL of 6th & 12th today, is placed in 2nd house, hence predominantly signifies 2-6-12,  is in sub of Moon* which occupies 8th house and also CSL of 8th house, and is in sub-sub of Venus(12), so higher levels attained during this period will not sustain, bears will dominate.
Venus - Jupiter (13:30 to 15:30) :
Jupiter is the lord of 5th & 8th house and Star lord of 11th house, is in star of Rahu(2-6-12), is in sub of Mercury*(2-5-8-11-12) and is in sub-sub of Rahu(2-6-12). Neutral but should favour bulls, as 2nd CSL is strong today.

 Conclusion :
"... good day for both bulls & bears..."
(09:15 to 09:34) : Consolidation with positive bias.
(09:34 to 13:30) : Higher levels will not sustain, bears will dominate.
(13:30 to 15:30) : Bulls will try to recover NIFTY.

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