Prediction for today:
Good day for bulls during intraday.
Between (09:15 to 12:30) : Nifty should move upwards, one peak is likely between 11:58 to 12:30.
Between (12:30 to 13:54) : Healthy correction, could be sharp also, one low should form between 12:35 to 12:53.
Between (13:54 to 15:30) : Nifty should move upwards, peak of the day should form between 13:54 to 14:33.
Astrological Analysis :
Cuspal Analysis of (2-6-11) Financial Houses w.r.t to Ascendant(1st house) :
Over all, it seems (2-6-11) trio is stronger against (5-8-12) trio, indicating bulls will dominate.
Mars signifies 5-6-8-12 through star lord and also through its sub lord, mostly neutral but its Sub-Sub is Mercury(2-11) and hence should favour Bulls... from Cuspal Analysis we also concluded that even when 5-8-12 are in operation NIFTY should either pause or move upwards only !
Venus CSL of 2-8 and signifies 2-11, indicating increase in income and sudden gains.
Ruling Planets are in favour of Bulls...
Intraday Transit Analysis of Moon & Ascendant :
Moon will in Mars star for entire session. During intraday session, Moon will be transiting subs of Mercury(09:15 to 12:30), Ketu(12:30 to 13:54) and Venus(13:54 to 15:30).
Mercury(09:15 to 12:30), is the lord of 2nd placed in 11th house, signifies 5-8 through star lord Jupiter and also 5-8 through its sub lord Jupiter, mostly neutral but should favour bulls only as Mercury is in own Sub-Sub signifying (2-11), also today bulls will dominate even if 5-8 will operate... I think during this Mercury's sub, one peak should form in between 11:58 to 12:30, when Moon will transit in Saturn's Sub-Sub and Asc. will transit Virgo and Hastami Nakshatra.
Ketu(12:30 to 13:54) is signifying 12th house through its star lord Venus and 5-8 through its sub lord Jupiter, as well 5-8 through its Sub-Sub lord Jupiter. Indicating some correction during this period. One low during this period is likely during 12:35 to 12:53, when Venus sub-sub of Moon will be running and Asc. will transit Chitra Nakshatra in Virgo.
Venus(13:54 to 15:30) signifies 2-11 through its star lord Mercury, 6 through its sub lord Saturn and 2-11 again through its sub-sub lord Mercury... very very favour for bulls. Peak of the day should form between 13:54 to 14:33 when Moon will transit Venus sub-sub, and Asc. will transit Vishaka Nakshatra in Libra....
Conclusion :
Between (09:15 to 12:30) : Nifty should move upwards, one peak is likely between 11:58 to 12:30.
Between (12:30 to 13:54) : Healthy correction, could be sharp also, one low should form between 12:35 to 12:53.
Between (13:54 to 15:30) : Nifty should move upwards, peak of the day should form between 13:54 to 14:33.
Good day for bulls during intraday.
Between (09:15 to 12:30) : Nifty should move upwards, one peak is likely between 11:58 to 12:30.
Between (12:30 to 13:54) : Healthy correction, could be sharp also, one low should form between 12:35 to 12:53.
Between (13:54 to 15:30) : Nifty should move upwards, peak of the day should form between 13:54 to 14:33.
Astrological Analysis :
Cuspal Analysis of (2-6-11) Financial Houses w.r.t to Ascendant(1st house) :
2nd CSL: Venus is occupant of 12th house, but strong significator of 2-11, which will favour Bulls when 2nd significator will operate.
6th CSL: Mars signifies 5-6-8-12, indicates neutral today when 6th significator will operate.
11th CSL : Saturn* is untenanted, signifies 5-6-8-12. But is the only strong significator of 6th house. Favours Bulls when 11th significator will operate.
Cuspal Analysis of (5-8-12) Financial Houses w.r.t to Opposition (7th house):
5th CSL : Mercury signifies 2-5-8-11, indicating in favour of Bulls, when 5th significator will operate.
8th CSL :Venus is occupant of 12th house, but strong significator of 2-11, which will favour Bulls when 8th significator will operate. Sudden & unexpected gains during period of 8th significator.
12th CSL : Moon* is untenanted, strong significator of 2nd house while weak significator of 12th house, indicating neutral situation with positive bias during operation of 12th significator.
Over all, it seems (2-6-11) trio is stronger against (5-8-12) trio, indicating bulls will dominate.
Ruling Planets Strength :
As we have Leo Lagna rising, with Tula Rasi, Chitra Nakshtra, Tuesday, so Ruling Planets are Sun, Venus & Mars.
Venus & Mars will rule for entire session, Mars being strong as day lord and Nakshatra lord of Moon.Mars signifies 5-6-8-12 through star lord and also through its sub lord, mostly neutral but its Sub-Sub is Mercury(2-11) and hence should favour Bulls... from Cuspal Analysis we also concluded that even when 5-8-12 are in operation NIFTY should either pause or move upwards only !
Venus CSL of 2-8 and signifies 2-11, indicating increase in income and sudden gains.
Ruling Planets are in favour of Bulls...
Intraday Transit Analysis of Moon & Ascendant :
Ascendant & Moon Transit during Intraday |
Mercury(09:15 to 12:30), is the lord of 2nd placed in 11th house, signifies 5-8 through star lord Jupiter and also 5-8 through its sub lord Jupiter, mostly neutral but should favour bulls only as Mercury is in own Sub-Sub signifying (2-11), also today bulls will dominate even if 5-8 will operate... I think during this Mercury's sub, one peak should form in between 11:58 to 12:30, when Moon will transit in Saturn's Sub-Sub and Asc. will transit Virgo and Hastami Nakshatra.
Ketu(12:30 to 13:54) is signifying 12th house through its star lord Venus and 5-8 through its sub lord Jupiter, as well 5-8 through its Sub-Sub lord Jupiter. Indicating some correction during this period. One low during this period is likely during 12:35 to 12:53, when Venus sub-sub of Moon will be running and Asc. will transit Chitra Nakshatra in Virgo.
Venus(13:54 to 15:30) signifies 2-11 through its star lord Mercury, 6 through its sub lord Saturn and 2-11 again through its sub-sub lord Mercury... very very favour for bulls. Peak of the day should form between 13:54 to 14:33 when Moon will transit Venus sub-sub, and Asc. will transit Vishaka Nakshatra in Libra....
Conclusion :
Between (09:15 to 12:30) : Nifty should move upwards, one peak is likely between 11:58 to 12:30.
Between (12:30 to 13:54) : Healthy correction, could be sharp also, one low should form between 12:35 to 12:53.
Between (13:54 to 15:30) : Nifty should move upwards, peak of the day should form between 13:54 to 14:33.
excellent prediction. thanks
excellent prediction. thanks
Thank you Jaya Prakash Ji...
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