Prediction :
"...Good day for bulls, NIFTY should close in GREEN..."
Astrological Analysis :
Major Planetary Changes:
1) Venus is almost on the 1st Cusp now.
2) Mercury is out of Magha Star, and now in Pubba.
3) Mars entered Pushyami Star of Saturn.
4) Jupiter is going to enter its own Star, and out of influence of Rahu.
Moon's Transit :
Moon will transit its own star of Rohini till 15:17, later Mars star will commence.
Moon in an Earthy sign of Taurus signifies (8-11).
What could happen when 8 & 11 operates? Let's find out other signficators of 8 & 11, and check to which Cusps they become Sub Lords.
Venus is the strong Signficator of 8th, Moon comes next and then Mars. Moon & Mars does not become Sub Lord of any Cusp. Venus is CSL of 1-3-5-9. As 8th Significators does not become CSL of 2 or 6 or 11, we can say that during operation of 8th Signficators bears can not do much, and hence advantage to bulls.
Sun* & Mercury are the dominant signficators of 11th, then comes Moon & Venus. Moon & Mercury* does not become sub lord of any Cusp. While Venus is CSL of 1-3-5-9, does not become CSL of 2 or 6 or 11. But Sun* predominant Significator of 11th becomes CSL of 11th Cusp and hence indicating Gains to Bulls. Sun* is also CSL of 7th Cusp, indicating buying interest of FII's.
So, overall Good day for Bulls.
"...Good day for bulls, NIFTY should close in GREEN..."
Astrological Analysis :
Major Planetary Changes:
1) Venus is almost on the 1st Cusp now.
2) Mercury is out of Magha Star, and now in Pubba.
3) Mars entered Pushyami Star of Saturn.
4) Jupiter is going to enter its own Star, and out of influence of Rahu.
Moon's Transit :
Moon will transit its own star of Rohini till 15:17, later Mars star will commence.
Moon in an Earthy sign of Taurus signifies (8-11).
What could happen when 8 & 11 operates? Let's find out other signficators of 8 & 11, and check to which Cusps they become Sub Lords.
Venus is the strong Signficator of 8th, Moon comes next and then Mars. Moon & Mars does not become Sub Lord of any Cusp. Venus is CSL of 1-3-5-9. As 8th Significators does not become CSL of 2 or 6 or 11, we can say that during operation of 8th Signficators bears can not do much, and hence advantage to bulls.
Sun* & Mercury are the dominant signficators of 11th, then comes Moon & Venus. Moon & Mercury* does not become sub lord of any Cusp. While Venus is CSL of 1-3-5-9, does not become CSL of 2 or 6 or 11. But Sun* predominant Significator of 11th becomes CSL of 11th Cusp and hence indicating Gains to Bulls. Sun* is also CSL of 7th Cusp, indicating buying interest of FII's.
So, overall Good day for Bulls.
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